
Aurine Crémieu Director

Documentaries for

France 2, France 3, France 5,

Arte, Odyssée, Voyage, la RTBF...


- To be born in 2040, France 5 – documentary film on tomorrow’s insemination. Prod. : mano a mano
- Theater in Storm, FRANCE 2 – documentary film on stage director Philippe Adrien. Prod. : Camera lucida
- The Life in 5 acts, ARTE – documentary film series, 5x52’. Prod. : Maha
- Asphalt’s divas, KTO – the right to beauty for neighbourhood’s women, 52’. Prod. : ArtZybrides
- Coming Théma on Arte : Climat Change, Threats to Peace, 90’ Arte. Prod.: mano a mano
- Coming Théma on Arte : 2030, Demographic Big Bang, 120’ Arte. Prod.: mano a mano
- The biggest market in the world, VOYAGE - two 52’ documentary films  about the Silk Road, with Bernard Ollivier. Prod. : mano a mano
- Furtwängler, Epilogue, Mezzo, TSR, ZDF – documentary film on conductor W. Furtwängler. Prod. :  LAKC
- Double Je,  FRANCE 2 – production of Bernard Pivot’s TV show. Prod. : France 2 & Equipage
- Donde estan ?, Odyssée, RTBF & Histoire – documentary film about the victims of the Chilean dictatorship. Prod. : Matfilms. Selected for the FIPA and the North-South Media Festival in Geneva.
- Nicole’s shoulders, ARTE – documentary film about domestic violence and a shelter house in Albi / Arte
- The Khmer Tears, documentary film about Cambodia’s women, broadcasted in Hong Kong. Prod. : Valparaiso
- La Cinquième meets… The Human Rights Declaration (90’), La Cinquième. Prod. : Elma


- All free and equal!, Éditions Autrement, December 2008
- Free Women, Le Cherche midi éditeur & Amnesty International, February 2005
- Co-writer of the book Introduction to Human Rights, Éditions Syros